Of Fire and Water (Heir of Blood and Fire Book 2) Read online

  Of Fire and Water

  Heir of Blood and Fire Book Two

  Cameo Renae


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25


  About Cameo


  Text copyright ©2021 Cameo Renae

  Cover Design by: Jay Villalobos - Covers by Juan

  Formatting: Rebecca Poole

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictitious and are products of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual events, or locales or persons, living or dead are entirely coincidental.

  This is dedicated to the readers.

  Because you bring our stories to life.

  Chapter One


  A cool breeze tousled my hair as we anchored in an alcove just off the island of Incendia. I stood on the deck of The Damned—my unsteady home over the past few weeks—and breathed in the balmy, salt air. Directly in front of us was a small patch of beach with velvety white sand that stretched between rocky formations on either side. Beyond that, toward the center of the island, I could see a forest of lush trees which fronted a towering mountain that, to me, appeared like a tall palace.

  Was that where the Fire Goddess lived?

  My eyes scanned the empty shoreline, wondering if I’d see any sign of life. There were none that even my heightened eyesight could spot, aside from the birds and a few furry creatures scurrying about.

  After barely surviving the rough weeks at sea, I’d never been happier to see solid ground. The daily seasickness made me never want to step foot on another ship again. If I could help it.

  I was grateful for the escape Captain Sebastian Salloway had given us.

  We hadn’t seen Nyx since she’d left, but I swore I caught traces of Trystan’s scent in the breezes. A scent which warmed my insides and made my blood stir, and I often found myself wandering alone on deck, craving to catch even the slightest hint of it.

  A sense of peace eased and settled into my bones, knowing Trystan had seen me through Nyx’s eyes. That he knew we were heading to Incendia.

  I often wondered about my best friend, Brynna, who was now in Trystan’s care. She was tangled in Roehl’s deadly web because of me, and I had a constant ache in my gut, wondering if she’d finally found out her parents were dead. I knew she’d have questions, and Brynna would demand answers. I hoped they were strong enough to handle her.

  The only thing holding my brokenness together was that I had seen my mother in the In Between. I’d had the chance to speak to her and say goodbye. I was also given the knowledge that even in the afterlife, she loved me and was still watching over me and my father.

  Keeping my back to the deck, I wiped away the tears and gathered myself. I didn’t want anyone else seeing me distraught.

  From the ship, Incendia reminded me of a picture hanging on my parent’s wall back in Sartha. My mother had brought it back from one of her trips to Merchant Port, and after she’d hung it, I often found myself standing in front of it, studying it, wanting to sink my toes in the golden sand, or swim in the crystal blue water, or lay under the beaming golden sun.

  Deep inside, even as I looked at the tropical paradise before me, I knew I would never enjoy freedom. Not while Roehl was alive. By now, he must have known the bond between us had been broken, and once he found out I’d escaped his heavily warded cell, with help of his head guard, his rage would follow us to the ends of the world. He’d hunt me and Markus. We were both certain of it.

  Roehl was an asshole with a power trip. A pompous prick who would easily sink his teeth into and rip out the throat of anyone who made him feel weak or question his authority. Now that the spell he’d placed over his father had been broken, there would be nothing to stop him from hunting us.

  I could almost feel the thickness of his hatred roiling through the atmosphere, heading toward us like a dark, ominous cloud. Roehl’s gift was powerful and extremely dangerous. His magic came easy. It was ancient and dark.

  This made it vital for me to learn about my powers so I could fight back. Right now, he had the upper hand and was much stronger than me. We both knew that if he came right now, I wouldn’t be strong enough to fight him. I had to find a way to survive and keep everyone I loved safe.

  The fact we’d made it to Incendia was a dream and a nightmare.

  I closed my eyes and envisioned the horrible events that took place on this beautiful island. The inhabitants of Incendia were said to have been destroyed by the Kingdom of Morbeth. The same wicked ruler who was also my ancestor.

  The thought made my stomach roil and bile push up my throat. How could someone be so cold? How could a man attack a kingdom who’d borne his grandson?

  Psychopathic, murderous prick.

  I sucked in another deep breath, and in my bones, felt a stirring, knowing that there were answers here. Answers to help me understand who my ancestors were and the magic they possessed. Magic I now possessed.

  We waited for the sun to set before we disembarked The Damned, knowing Markus wasn’t immune to sunlight. Sabine had also been suffering a horrible bout of seasickness, so he remained inside the cabin with her while she rested.

  Sebastian had been an entertaining, generous host, and I would be lying if I said I wouldn’t miss his playful banter. He kept my whirlwind of a mind occupied and fed my thirst, and it was something I would never forget.

  I felt terrible that he had lost a few of his crew members to the Sangerian sea serpent, but most had survived and managed to repair any damages to the ship. They celebrated the triumph and survival nightly, and I was shocked at the seemingly endless supply of alcohol The Damned possessed. Then again, they were pirates, known for their brew and unruly behaviors, and I’d grown accustomed to them all.

  As the sun disappeared on the horizon, my heart thrummed loudly in my chest, knowing that once I stepped off this ship, I would be undertaking an entirely new adventure, and was glad I wasn’t alone. I was thankful Markus and Sabine were with me. They had become my most trusted friends and allies.

  As the last bits of light slipped beneath the horizon, Markus and Sabine exited the cabin and made their way toward me. Sebastian and his crew lined the deck to see us off.

  The Captain of The Damned looked dashingly handsome, donned in his full captain garb. The wind tousled the stray locks of his hair, while the rest was tied behind his neck. When I reached him, he gave me a broad smile and took my hands in his.

  “Twas nice to have met an incredible mystery as yourself, dearest Calla, and to have shared quite an adventure with you and your friends.” Sebastian pressed his warm lips to my cheek. “You’ve kept my crew on their toes and gave us s
ome much-needed excitement.” The upturn of his lips and the sly gleam in his eyes spoke clearly.

  I felt my cheeks heat, then smiled at him and bowed my head. “Captain Salloway, we are forever indebted to you and your crew for delivering us safely to our destination.”

  Sebastian smiled widely, his sea-blue eyes crinkling on the sides. “My ship and my crew will be forever in your debt and will always be available should the need arise. If we are within the area.”

  Inside, I felt a small pang of sadness, wondering if I would ever run across this handsome pirate again. “Thank you, Sebastian.”

  He bowed at the waist, his soft lips touching the back of my hand. “If you happen to see King Romulus again, please give him my regards.”

  “I will.” I said, watching him take a step and cringe in pain. I reached out and grabbed his arm, wishing there was a way I could help him since he was injured saving me. “Please be sure to rest, Sebastian. After all, you are mortal.”

  He let out a laugh. “That, I am. The crew and physician will make certain of my quick recovery. They know they won’t last long under my father’s supervision.”

  I smiled and nodded. “Then, it’s good to know I’ll be leaving you in good hands.”

  “Not as good as yours,” he winked, “but at this point, I can’t be picky.”

  After bidding our farewells to Sebastian and the crew, we disembarked his ship, and after days of celebration, it was hard to say goodbye.

  However, I was thankful to finally be off the sea and so was Sabine, who hadn’t been able to keep any food or water down from the seasickness. Because of it, I refused to take any blood from her, or Sebastian, who was also healing.

  It had been a few days since I’d fed. I was feeling a little weak but would never admit it to anyone. This was my curse and my burden to bear.

  As soon as my feet touched Incendian soil, my blood stirred, and bones hummed with warmth. I let my head fall back and inhaled the pure and unfamiliar scents of Incendia. Even the breeze felt different here, holding a current of energy that lightly brushed against my skin, welcoming me home.

  We waited on the shore until The Damned disappeared and all that remained was the inky black water which reflected the sparkling moon and stars above.

  Standing on a small sandy shoreline, I couldn’t see or hear many signs of life, aside from crickets, a hooting owl, and the wind. Under Markus’s guidance, we made our way toward the center of the island.

  With every step, I could feel a part of the island seeping into the souls of my feet, tingling up my legs and throughout the rest of my body. I felt stronger here, like the magic of the island was healing me.

  Once we made it past the sharp rocks, we encountered a large wall of trees that seemed to reach up and touch the sky. It was the first time I’d seen trees like these. They were like a wall, thin and tightly knit together, and I wondered if we would be able to make it through.

  “It’s a bamboo forest,” Sabine said. “Bamboo is as strong as steel.”

  Markus grasped one of the younger trees in his hand and snapped it in half like it was a twig. Then, in a flash, he thrust the tree through the air like a spear. The twenty-foot tree sailed out of sight.

  Markus turned, eyebrows raised, and gave Sabine a crooked smile. “So much for your steel tree.”

  “Show off,” I growled.

  Sabine crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. “For your information, bamboo is not a tree. It’s grass.”

  “Grass?” Markus growled, his brow furrowed like she was crazy.

  “Yes,” Sabine noted. “So, you broke a blade of grass. That’s not so badass, Captain.”

  Markus patted one of the bamboo stumps next to him and tilted his head at Sabine. “I’d like to see you break this blade of grass.”

  She stepped up to him, arms still crossed, eyes narrowed into slits. “I don’t kill plants, Captain. They are living things.” She then pushed past him and slid through a few of the trees before Markus caught her arm and pulled her back out. They locked eyes for a few moments, then Sabine shook free from his grip.

  “What?” She huffed.

  A soft rumble escaped from Markus’s chest. “I’m the leader here. I’ll go first. You stay in the middle, mortal. Stay close and keep your eyes open,” Markus warned.

  Sabine glared at him.

  “You two obviously have some pent-up issues you need to work out. I’ll admit, I am partly to blame for having you two stuck together in the ship's cabin those awful weeks. Why don’t you just kiss and make up?”

  Both Markus and Sabine’s heads snapped to me, jaws dropped open, eyes wide.

  I shrugged. “What? I’m not blind.”

  “And you obviously don’t know anything,” Markus bit out. “There is nothing between us.”

  Sabine didn’t say anything, but I could see the disappointment written all over her face. Then, she blinked, and it was gone.

  “He’s right, Calla,” Sabine muttered, a tick in her jaw. “Markus and I tolerate each other.”

  I shrugged. “Yeah, you both can keep believing that, but everyone else sees something different.”

  I watched, and even in the darkness, both Sabine and Markus blushed. Markus immediately turned and plowed his massive frame through the bamboo trees before growling four words. “Move. And stay silent.”

  Grump. Someone desperately needed to feed. Or maybe he needed sex. In all honesty, he was probably lacking both.

  Sabine followed his path as he easily pushed the bamboo trees aside, uprooting the long, stringy roots with ease. While Markus and I could see without light, Sabine couldn’t, so I held a flame in my palm, out in front of me, illuminating the surrounding area.

  The flame I called seemed different. Felt different. It was almost an iridescent color. It felt like the magic used to produce the flame was coming from the earth itself. I could feel the power pulsing through me. It felt raw, like there was no end to its source.

  The forest remained silent, except for Markus and his path of destruction, and it felt like hours had passed when we finally pushed out of the bamboo forest and into a wide, open field. Before us lay miles of green meadow and lush hillsides.

  Even though the power inside me was strong, my thirst was growing even stronger. I hadn’t fed in days, and after the endless hours of traversing this non-inviting terrain, my muscles were aching. I tried to fight the hunger, but knew if I didn’t feed soon, I’d be too weak to move.

  Blood. It both disgusted and pleased me. It was the bane of my existence. Yet, the mere thought of the rich, crimson nectar made my mouth water and incisors lengthen.

  I flashed back to a time, only months ago, when I lived a simple, quiet life. But that life had shattered in an instant, and now, after sailing weeks across a ruthless and unforgiving sea, I’d finally made it to the home of my ancestors.

  I could almost picture it filled with Incendians, who once lived and thrived here. A people who received their power from the Fire Goddess.

  I prayed there were answers here. Answers about my origins and my powers. I wasn’t even sure if there was anyone here. Yes, I came because Leora told me I’d find answers here, but also because I felt an overwhelming pull to the island. I knew I had to be here, but for what? I still didn’t know.

  I’d fallen behind Sabine and Markus, who were up ahead. Sabine had asked Markus a question, and he responded in a surprisingly friendly tone. Hearing their voices gave me a sense of peace, and I was so glad I wasn’t alone. I was thankful for their companionship, because I knew without them, I wouldn’t be here. I owed them my life.

  Alone with my thoughts, I’d fallen even more behind. The pungent smell of wet grass and the sound of a restless murmur called to me. My lips were parched, and my throat felt arid like sandpaper, so I pushed on, reaching a small creek. It would have to do until I found the nourishment my body craved.

  Bending, I scooped the water into my gaunt fingers and placed it to my lips. The cool drink was i
nvigorating, but no matter how much I consumed, it still didn’t appease the thirst.

  I frowned, spotting my rippled reflection in the water. My auburn hair was matted, my golden eyes had become dull, enclosed within dark circles. I was a shell of the person I used to be.

  Another reflection appeared in the water directly behind me. Spinning around, my eyes landed on a young woman standing behind me, an arrow nocked in her bow, aimed directly at my forehead.

  “Don’t move,” she ordered.

  I froze, slowly raising my hands in the air.

  A cloth mask covered the bottom half of the girl’s face, only revealing her eyes. She wore a long golden braid over her left shoulder and was wearing a brown tunic, knickers, and boots, with a belt slung around her waist lined with sharp knives.

  “Move and you die,” she spoke gruffly, her eyes narrowed.

  I was suddenly surrounded by at least ten men who stepped out of the shadows. Gods, they were stealthy. I hadn’t even heard them.

  Where the hell was Markus?

  Sabine screamed and my head whipped in their direction. She and Markus were hemmed in by a few dozen raiders with arrows and swords aimed at them.

  The girl who had her arrow aimed at my head made a gesture to the others, and I was immediately seized. My hands were bound behind my back, and a dark hood was placed over my head.

  I didn’t struggle because I had recognized the girl. She was the one I saw in Melaina’s magic bowl of water. The girl with golden hair and different colored eyes—one emerald, one sapphire. Melaina said she was related to me, someone in my bloodline, so I had to play cool until things settled down and had a chance to speak to her. Maybe I could figure out exactly who she was.