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Wings of Vengeance (Hidden Wings Series Book Five) Page 11
Wings of Vengeance (Hidden Wings Series Book Five) Read online
Page 11
I couldn’t help but think this dream was real. All of my senses were exploding around me. I had to calm myself and focus on my surroundings. That’s what I was here for; to find Samuel.
Calling my wings, I stepped further into the clearing. Then, the pitch dark perimeter of the clearing illuminated, as if a spotlight had turned on.
I was back in my nightmare, surrounded with Darkling. But they weren’t looking at me, their dark eyes were focused ahead.
“Samuel,” I gasped.
“Emma, you need to focus. You need to watch your breathing. Remember, this is only a dream. They cannot see or hear you. You cannot be harmed in any way.”
I knew it wasn’t real, but it might as well have been.
Samuel’s body was hung vertically on the large tree, and he wasn’t moving. His head was down, his eyes were closed, and his arms were spread out to his sides, as if he were hanging from a cross. Large nails were driven through each of his wrists and into the tops of his feet. The tree underneath him was painted crimson with blood.
I sobbed, barely seeing his chest rising and falling, and then was automatically pushed forward, passing directly through the Darkling standing in front of me.
I was a hologram, a helpless watcher of this horrible event.
A dark figure to the left of the tree stepped out of the shadows. Her eyes fixed on Samuel, and her lips turned up into a wicked grin.
“She took my father, and now, I will take hers.”
Samuel’s face lifted and his eyes were red with pain. Blood flowed from his nose and the corner of his lip. His body was badly bruised, and I could tell his life force was fading.
I couldn’t help the rush of emotion. Tears blurred my eyes and cascaded down my cheeks.
“This won’t solve anything.” Samuel’s voice was barely audible.
“It will, for me,” she replied flatly.
I tried reached for Samuel, but my hand passed right through him.
“Samuel,” I cried.
“Emma, don’t lose focus,” Miss Lily’s voice instructed. “Can you find out where you are?”
I shifted my focus to my surroundings. We were walled in with trees. They were the same damn trees growing everywhere in Alaska. I stepped back further, toward the center of the small clearing, looking for something recognizable. The more I focused, the more familiar the area became. And, it wasn’t so much the area that was familiar, it was the tree Samuel was being crucified on. I’d seen it before, and the realization hit me like a ton of bricks and sent a prickling chill down my spine.
I couldn’t bear to look at Samuel’s tortured body any longer, knowing there was nothing I could do to help him. I needed to get up and tell them what I’d seen, but I didn’t know how.
“Help,” I screamed. “I need out!”
Miss Lily shouted. “Up!”
My eyes popped open.
Miss Lily’s face was a foot in front of me. Kade and Alaine were standing right behind her.
“What happened?” Alaine asked, kneeling down and grabbing my hands. “Did you see something?”
“Yes.” Tears continued to pour down my cheeks.
“Where?” Kade asked.
“He’s at Ethon’s tree.”
AS WE MADE OUR WAY back down the hallway, Dom was standing with the others.
“Where’d you guys go?” he asked.
“Alaine’s office,” I replied. “I think I know where Samuel might be.”
“How did you find that out?”
“Miss Lily hypnotized me.”
His face scrunched. “And you didn’t invite me to the session? I might have wanted to throw in a few keywords.”
“I have a keyword for you,” Kade said, slapping him on the back of the head.
“We need to leave, now,” Alaine said.
“Alaine, I think it’s better if you stay here with the young mortals,” Dom said. “You’re very emotional right now, and not that I’m saying you’d do anything irrational, but…you might do something irrational. If Samuel is where Emma says he is, we will bring him back. They need you here, and we need clear heads out there.”
We all looked to Alaine and waited for her reply.
She sighed. “You’re right. I’m not up for it in my current state. I need you all to be safe. This girl is incredibly devious.”
“She may be devious, but she hasn’t met the boys,” Dom said.
“Yeah,” Thomas agreed.
“Dude, I wasn’t talking about you. I was talking about them.” Dom flexed his biceps.
Thomas rolled his eyes and exhaled extra loudly.
“What?” Dom snickered.
Kade groaned as we started walking toward the exit. “I hate to ruin your moment ladies, but we need to move,” he said.
“Should we go in invisible?” I asked.
“No,” Kade answered immediately. “You can’t weaken yourself before we enter enemy territory. She’s strong. You need to reserve your strength.”
“Agreed,” Alaine said. “I don’t think they’ll be expecting you, and if they do, their eyes will be to the sky from this direction. If you circle and come in from the opposite way, it might throw them off.”
“Great idea, Alaine,” Thomas said.
As we headed outside, the sky was darkening, but would remain dusk-like until the sun rose the next morning. I was glad we could still see most of our surroundings, and hopefully be able to see if anything was coming.
We did as Alaine suggested and flew around the outskirts of the area. We stayed low to the ground, just within the tree line. I led the way, knowing exactly where we needed to go. The entire area seemed to be clear, and made me doubt if this plan was going to work.
What if we arrived and Samuel wasn’t there?
I had to shut my negative thoughts down. They could easily cut into my focus. It was a fifty-fifty shot, and I wouldn’t worry until we reached the area to confirm if Samuel was or wasn’t there.
About a half mile away from our destination, we landed. The woods were quiet, and the amulet around my neck remained unlit. We all separated and used hand signals to advance, stealthily moving forward.
About a quarter mile in, I felt heat radiate on my chest, and when I looked down the bloodstone amulet was glowing bright red. The others took notice as well and readied their weapons. With a quick hand motion, I advised them I was moving forward.
Inside, I felt strong and knew if I used my gift of invisibility, the chances of weakening were slim. As I came around the tree, I called on my gift and watched Kade’s eyes narrow. But I needed to get closer without being seen, to confirm if Samuel was there. As I neared Ethon’s tree, I could feel my emotions going haywire. I needed to remain calm and make sure I didn’t react too quickly.
Taking a deep breath, I caught the putrid stench of Darkling. It filled my nostrils, making them burn.
The closer I got, the louder the growls and cackling grew. I willed my legs to push me forward, hoping I wasn’t too late.
“Hold him down,” a harsh voice scolded.
A pained cry resounded ahead of me. It was Samuel. I was sure of it. I’d heard that same cry once before when we were in the depths of Hell.
My wings appeared behind my back, shooting a massive dose of adrenaline through my body. Without much thought, I ran forward, not knowing what to expect.
As I entered the small clearing, it was as if I were slapped with déja vu. I was back in my nightmare, but this time, I was living it.
Samuel was on his knees with his head down, breathing heavily. His arms were being held tightly by two Fallen, one on each of his sides. His shirt was torn off, and his back was a bloody mess. Two huge gashes were pouring with crimson. I gasped, and my eyes burned with tears when I realized what they’d done.
They’d severed his wings. Those freaking evil bastards!
They were going to pay.
Rage burned heavily, trying to incinerate my rational side. Samuel had suffered enough, more than t
en lifetimes worth of pain. My head spun and my breath quickened, but I steadied myself. I had to stay focused.
I did a quick assessment of everything around me.
There were fifteen Darkling and six Fallen, but I wasn’t sure if there were more beyond the clearing. The spruce trees were tight, constricting the already dim light from touching the ground.
This operation would be risky, and we were greatly outnumbered.
The Fallen present were extra-large brutes, like they’d been working out since the day they were born. They all had bulging muscles and were well over six foot tall. Each of them had dark features and were ready for battle, armed with huge weapons.
“Stand him up, I want to see his face,” a familiar voice ordered. “When they find his lifeless body nailed to this tree, it will be a grand reminder. His life for two of ours…Ethon and my father. Lucifer will be pleased.”
“Indeed,” a deep voice from one of the Fallen replied.
“But she will suffer more than this. She has no idea of what I am about to do.”
Bitch. Little did she know, I knew every move she was going to make before she even made it. She was the one who was in for a surprise. And, I wouldn’t let her go unpunished for what she did to Samuel.
I had to let Kade and the others know what was happening. Unwillingly, I made my way back and appeared beside Kade.
His arm raised, but he quickly lowered it when he saw me.
“What the—” he exhaled. “Emma, I could have hurt you.”
“I know. I’m sorry.” I grabbed hold of his hands. I needed his stability. “They have Samuel, and they cut his wings off. We have to go, now,” I begged.
Pain appeared in his eyes, but he tried to remain strong for me.
“How many are there?”
“From what I can see, fifteen Darkling and six Fallen.”
The look in his eye told me he knew the risks, but also knew Samuel’s safety far outweighed every one of them.
“We can take ‘em,” Dom whispered. “Emma, if you can take out the Darkling, we can focus on the Fallen.”
Thomas and Mark nodded in agreement.
“I think it’s our best bet,” Kade said, pulling me toward him. “Don’t do anything that could get you hurt. If we are smart, we can get ourselves and Samuel out of here alive.”
“You be safe too,” I breathed.
“You know me.” He grinned, resting his forehead against mine. Then he turned to Dom and Mark. “You guys ready?”
“We were born ready,” Dom replied. “Let’s do this.”
“How are you feeling?” Kade asked.
“If it doesn’t weaken you, I think you should stay invisible.”
“Okay,” I whispered, knowing he was looking out for me. Raising up on my tiptoes, I kissed his warm lips.
He grinned and mumbled, “Be safe.”
I took out my trusted dagger and held it tight, then went invisible.
Kade gave a signal to the others before we stealthily charged forward.
As we neared the clearing, another dose of adrenaline filled my veins. I was ready to fight and do whatever it took to save my father. Dom was first to reach the area. He leaped into the air and swung his two blades in an X pattern against the neck of one of the Fallen whose back had been turned to him. The Fallen’s head flew off and rolled across the ground, hitting another one in the leg. They all turned as their headless buddy dropped to the ground.
“That’s one!” Dom hollered, jumping in between two other Fallen.
An all-out battle commenced. Thomas and Mark rushed in without fear.
The two who were holding Samuel, let go. His limp body dropped to the ground.
With fire in my veins, I charged toward a small group of Darkling and slashed their throats with one spin of my wings. They never even knew what hit them. The rest went wild and scattered.
It was the easiest and quickest way for me to take them out, but it was also messy. Their thick, disgusting blood splattered all over me.
An injured cry turned my attention.
Mark dropped to the ground with a large blade pierced straight through his left shoulder and out his back. Kade and Dom were battling two Fallen each and weren’t able to help him.
The Fallen, who stabbed him, withdrew his weapon, his face hard set and ready to finish Mark off.
Mark was laying defenseless on the ground after having lost his sword. I quickly scanned the area and saw it laying a few yards behind him. He tried to stand, but the Fallen kicked him back down.
There was no way I was going to let him die. As the Fallen raised his sword over Mark’s head, I flew forward holding my dagger in front of me. My wings had set me in motion, and I was but an arrow aimed at the target.
Right before his sword came crashing down, my dagger hit its mark. It sunk deep into the Fallen’s chest. My hand followed, until I could feel his insides. I shuddered and quickly withdrew my hand, along with the dagger.
The Fallen gasped, his eyes searching for what the hell had just hit him. But he would never know. In his last moments, he swung his sword blindly, hitting my right wing, but it ricocheted off like a shield.
He took his last breath and fell to the ground.
I felt myself tingling, and as I looked up, I saw Lilith’s eyes glaring out over the clearing.
She was my next target.
As my wings spread wide, I was slammed from the side and thrown back, my body tumbling out of control. Trying to get my bearings, I turned to see what hit me. It was another Fallen, who had charged toward Mark but hit me in the process. He was massive, with dark skin, and a large scar across the side of his face. He looked like a warrior, and his blackened eyes were set on Mark.
My unexpected run-in had given Mark enough time to roll backward and reach for his sword. As the Fallen charged at him, Mark feigned weakness, hanging his head and grabbing his shoulder. Right before the Fallen was upon him, he stood up and ran his sword straight through the guy’s stomach.
Mark kicked the guy in the chest, withdrawing his sword, and decapitating him as he fell to the ground. He was good, and I was still blown away at how much he looked and acted like Malachi.
Meanwhile, Kade, Thomas, and Dom were continuing to battle.
I’d failed at my one task, to take out the Darkling who were now making it even harder for the Guardians to battle the Fallen.
I turned back toward Lilith, but she was gone. Samuel was still on the ground, unconscious, so I quickly flew to him and pulled him out of danger.
“Samuel,” I breathed. “We’re here for you.”
“Emma, I knew you’d come,” he whispered.
“Stay here. I’ll be right back.” I flew to the aid of the others.
Using my dagger and my invisibility, I ran to the closest Darkling, who was fighting Kade, and pushed my blade through his back. He twisted, and tried to claw at whatever injured him, but he couldn’t see or find me. It had taken a few seconds before his eyes rolled back, and he dropped.
The next Darkling was just as easy.
My wings were becoming stronger, and the more I used them, the more I could feel the connection getting even stronger. They were reacting to my thoughts, and being invisible was one of the greatest gifts I could have possessed, thanks to Alaine.
Kade was first to kill all of his targeted Fallen, and went to help the others.
Mark stood next to Samuel with his sword in his strong hand. He was slouched over and obviously in a lot of pain. His face was paling as blood poured from the wound. He and Samuel would need to rest and mend. Samuel for much longer.
When Thomas took out the last Fallen, we stood in the quiet clearing, the ground covered with Darkling and Fallen bodies. I rushed over to Samuel. His eyes fluttered open and shut. He was trying to wake, and when he saw me, smiled through his pain.
“We need to get them back to the house before anything else comes.”
; “Yeah, let’s move,” Thomas urged.
“Lilith was here, but she got away,” I said.
“She’s pretty damn rude if you ask me,” Dom said. “The least she could do is introduce herself to the rest of us. That chick has some issues.”
Samuel’s eyes had closed again; I could only imagine what kind of pain he was enduring.
“Okay, we need to get Samuel and Mark home,” I urged.
“I’ll take Samuel,” Kade offered.
He lifted Samuel to his feet, and then folded him over his shoulder, careful not to touch his wounds. My heart swelled as Kade’s white wings spread behind his back. He was strong, and even more beautiful carrying my father to safety.
Dom’s eyes narrowed on Mark. With a straight face, he wiggled his brow. “Hey man, would you like to lie across my shoulder, or shall I just grab your arm?”
“Arm,” Mark answered quickly.
“You sure you wanna be dangling?”
“Never more sure of anything in my life,” Mark replied.
Dom called his wings, grabbed Mark’s good arm, and took off into the air. Thomas and I followed closely behind, keeping our eyes peeled for any lurking danger close by.
The air was cold and fresh, and as far as my eye could see, there were no signs of Fallen anywhere.
Although I couldn’t see her, I sensed Lilith was somewhere near. I could almost feel her wrath oozing out and disturbing the peaceful landscape. We’d screwed up her plan, and she’d have to tell Lucifer she’d failed. I could only imagine how crazy her head must be spinning, wondering how we knew where they were.
My mind raced and my stomach churned, knowing Samuel’s nightmare had been confirmed. It also verified my dreams were, in fact, premonitions. But on an uplifting note, our rescue of Samuel also confirmed their outcome could be changed.
I just couldn’t allow my fears to overwhelm me, knowing Jeremy and Lia were next. It was my responsibility to make sure they were safe, and not become victims of Lilith’s revenge.
BACK AT THE HOUSE, ALAINE rushed outside to meet us. She’d been watching through the window, anticipating our return. Tears of happiness fell down her face as Kade landed with Samuel safely in his arms.