Wings of Vengeance (Hidden Wings Series Book Five) Read online

Page 10

  Alex gave a single nod. Lia was right beside him, terrified.

  I reached out and took her hand. “We’ll all be fine,” I said, giving her a smile. “As soon as we find Samuel, I’ll come back for you.”

  “Just keep the Nerdmeister alive.”

  “Try and stay under cover until you hear from me.”

  “Will do,” she promised.

  We hugged, then took our places as Dom swung the door open. As he stepped through the dark doorway, white wings appeared behind his back.

  Each of the Guardians, except Mark, followed suit, calling their wings as they stepped through, not knowing what would be waiting inside. As we quickly made our way toward the portal, I grabbed hold of Kade’s hand.

  “We need to look for the amulet,” I whispered.

  “Do you mean that red thing glowing on the wall over there?” Jeremy asked, pointing across the room.

  I gasped. The amulet was hanging from a nail on the wall. Someone put it there, and it wasn’t any of us.

  The Guardians paused, their eyes scanning the area around us.

  “The room is clear,” Dom said, walking over and taking the necklace off the hook. “There is no threat here.” He came over and placed it in my hand.

  “Then why is my amulet glowing?”

  “Because they are waiting on the other side,” Kade advised. “They know we’re returning, and what better time to attack then when we’re coming blindly through the portal?”

  “Hey, wait. I have an idea.” Thomas ran into one of the rooms to the side and returned with a mannequin, holding it up.

  “Right before we enter, we toss one of these through to divert their attention. It should give us a small window to exit, and kick ass, before they realize what it is.”

  Jeremy unzipped his hoodie and handed it to Thomas, then opened his bag and gave him some colorful basketball shorts. “Maybe this will help,” he said.

  Thomas took the items and dressed the life-sized dummy. He pulled the hoodie over its head, which made it look even more realistic. “I don’t think any of us would wear these shorts, but it totally works.”

  I patted Jeremy on the back. “Good thinking.”

  “I’d like to stay alive,” he teased.

  “Emma, you take Jeremy and we’ll cover you,” Kade said. “As soon as you exit, fly home.”

  “Okay,” I said and turned to Jeremy. “Are you ready?”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be. Just fly fast,” he replied.

  “As fast as I can.” I turned and he climbed on my back as best he could around my wings.

  Thomas and Dom were going first. Then Jeremy and I would be followed by Mark and Kade. My amulet was still glowing, which made my pulse race even faster. I stood in line while the others readied their weapons; their eyes pitch black.

  “Why don’t your eyes turn black like theirs?” Jeremy asked from over my shoulder.

  I shrugged. “I guess because I’m not one hundred percent angel.”

  “Oh,” he said. “But your wings are pretty amazing.”

  “Thanks,” I breathed, my heart pounding.

  Lia and Alex were gone and we were heading right back into madness.

  “All right,” Thomas spoke, holding the mannequin in front of him. “On the count of three, let’s give whoever’s on the other side a welcome they’ll never forget.”

  “Or never remember,” Dom added.

  Thomas turned and stood in front of the spiraling portal.


  He threw the mannequin through and jumped in after it. Dom immediately followed, and I was right on his heels. We went from darkness to dusk, and were surrounded by a few dozen Darkling. I took to the sky, holding Jeremy tightly. The wind whipped across my face as I flew as fast as I could toward Alaine’s home.

  From the corner of my eye, I saw two black wings heading for me. A sharp sword glinted in its hand.

  “Emma!” Jeremy screamed. He saw the Fallen too and thrashed about.

  “Stop moving, Jeremy,” I scolded. I had to keep him safe, but couldn’t fight with him throwing me off balance.

  The Fallen heading toward us was too fast, and just as we were about to collide, Kade appeared between us.

  “Go!” he exclaimed, his attention fixed on the Fallen.

  I kept my eyes forward, focused on making it home, and in no time I saw the tower.

  “We’re almost there,” I said, mostly to myself.

  Jeremy wasn’t saying a word, but I didn’t expect him to. I could only imagine what he was thinking, dodging death and danger in the short time he’d been reunited with me.

  I wanted to glance back to make sure Kade was all right, but didn’t want to divert my focus. I had to get Jeremy into the barrier. Into safety. My amulet never stopped glowing, so I knew danger was still around.

  As we neared the house, I saw them. A swarm of Darkling headed into the barrier. They looked like cockroaches, scattering everywhere. It was a never-ending battle. No matter how many we killed, there were still endless waves.

  I flew directly over them and set Jeremy on the roof. I could hear their deep growls as they noticed us.

  “Stay here,” I urged.

  “Emma,” he grabbed my arm, shaking.

  “This is the safest place for you at the moment. The Fallen can’t get through the barrier around the house. But I have to help clear the Darkling. I promise I’ll be right back,” I said.

  He nodded, his body shaking.

  I jumped off the roof, my body automatically transforming into fight mode. Below me were about ten Darkling, their dark eyes set on me, ready to tear me apart.

  When I hit the ground, they charged after me.

  I reached for my dagger and held on tight as my wings shifted, twisting me. I was on autopilot, my wings reacting to the danger. As I spun, two Darkling were sliced in half; the sound of my wings cutting through flesh and bone was sickening. I ducked under a sword and thrust my dagger into the heart of its operator. It's sharp, grimy fingers clawed at my neck, but I kicked it back, releasing my dagger.

  There was no time to stop. As fast as I killed one, two more would take its place.

  My wings curled around me, wrapping me in a cocoon. I was at the mercy of my gifts and astonished at how powerful they were. I knelt down and felt a sudden urge to jump. As my legs pushed upward, my wings unraveled and spread outward, slicing and decapitating the rest of the Darkling surrounding me. It was like I’d seen Kade do before we entered the portal.

  I stood with the dagger still grasped in my hand. The thick tar-like blood melted right off of its sharp blade making it spotless, as if it were never used. My wings were also unblemished, but my clothes and the ground around me told a much different story.

  Ten Darkling lay in pools of blood, body parts and limbs strewn all over Alaine’s front yard. A Darkling head lay few feet away from my feet, its eyes opened wide in surprise, like it didn’t know it was dead. I shivered and kicked it away.

  I glanced upward and noticed Jeremy’s face was filled with both horror and wonderment. He had crawled forward, near the edge of the roof and shot me a thumbs-up. I smiled and gave him one back.

  “Emma,” Kade called behind me.

  I turned as he landed in the front yard, with a gleam in his eye and a grin on his lips. The other Guardians finished off the few remaining Darkling.

  “You’re stronger than I imagined,” he said breathlessly.

  “It wasn’t me. My wings seem to have a mind of their own.”

  “Danger is an automatic trigger. Our wings are a part of us, yet separate. They were not only created for flying, but also to protect their host. It’s why most Guardians spend hundreds of years preparing and eager to receive their wings. It’s one of the most remarkable gifts ever bestowed. ”

  I exhaled, grabbing his hand. “Let’s go. We have to find out if Alaine’s heard anything from Samuel.”

  “Emma!” Jeremy shouted. “I’m still up her

  Holy crap! How could I forget him on the roof?

  In true Jeremy fashion, he stood up to wave and tripped on a shingle. Falling forward, he screamed as he dove head-first off the roof. His hands and legs were flailing like a fish caught on a line.

  I called my wings and shot up toward him, but a black shadow flew above me, grabbing him by the leg.

  “Jeremy!” I screamed in horror, watching Lilith carry him away.

  There was no way that bitch was taking my friend. Adrenaline shot through my veins, and my wings reacted to my mood, propelling me forward so fast I could barely control myself.

  Lilith saw me coming and turned around to face me, but I couldn’t stop. I screamed as I crashed into her. Jeremy fell from her grasp and hollered loudly on the way down. Lilith and I tumbled through the air, her nails sunk into my arms, ripping into my flesh.

  I kicked away from her, and watched Kade catch Jeremy midair. He landed safely and placed him gently on the ground.

  Lilith’s eyes narrowed at me with pure hatred. “I hate you!” she screamed, flying forward with great speed and punching me in the chest. The force propelled me backward, but I grabbed her wrist and yanked her with me. I flipped her easily over my head, and at the same time, my wings whipped me around. I kicked her in her gut, thrusting her backward, but her wings stopped her momentum.

  We were about two hundred feet in the air, and ten yards away from each other.

  A half grin rose on her red lips.

  “Soon, your father will die,” she growled.

  “I don’t understand why you’re doing this,” I yelled. “You’re choosing to believe a lie and innocent people are dying.”

  She shook her head. “None of you are innocent. The blood of my father is on your hands, and soon your father’s will be on mine.”

  Kade and the others took to the air and as my attention shifted to them she flew at me, grabbing both of my arms. In a blink, it was as if I had entered the Twilight Zone. She had shifted and I was looking at myself. Even her wings had changed colors.

  She spun us around in circles trying to confuse the Guardians who were behind us.

  “Stop,” she yelled, in my voice, holding her hand up to the others, making them stop in their tracks.

  “Holy shit,” Dom yelled. “Emma, which one is the real you?”

  “It’s me!” she screamed.

  “You wish,” I said, fighting to get free. I shook my arm from her grasp and punched her in the face.

  It was the oddest thing, watching my fist connect with what looked like my own face. The force of the hit sent her flying backward. She grabbed her cheek as she finally came to a halt; a loud growl rumbled from her lips.

  “This is far from over,” she threatened under her breath, and then shot off into the trees.

  Dom and Thomas went after her, while I flew down toward Jeremy. I walked over to him, my stomach twisting in knots.

  “I’m so sorry,” I breathed.

  He was bent over, breathing heavily and holding his chest. His face was dripping with sweat, and his glasses were a little crooked, but amazingly, were still on his face.

  “I—I’ll be alright,” he panted. “Just give me a few days.”

  I was mortified. My best friend fell off of a roof and was taken by Lilith because I’d forgotten about him. What the hell was wrong with me?

  Jeremy lifted his head. His face was unreadable, but then, he laughed. Like a maniac.

  “Oh my God,” he bellowed. “I saw my life flash before my eyes. I think I just used up one of my lives.”

  I swallowed hard. My chest ached. I couldn’t say a word because there was nothing that could ever mean more than sorry.

  He walked over and slapped his hand on my shoulder. “Lighten up, Emma. I’m not dead yet.”

  “Don’t say that,” I exhaled. “From now on, you are staying inside, in a padded room, far away from ledges and sharp things.”

  “If you throw in a TV with video games, I’m totally good with that,” he replied.

  “Everything you need is in Caleb’s room. I’m sure he will be looking forward to having a gaming buddy.”

  He smiled and when I gave him a hug he stiffened. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

  “You saved me,” he said. “And, for that I am grateful.”

  Dom and Thomas returned emptyhanded. “She disappeared,” Thomas exhaled. “That chick is fast.”

  They all began stacking Darkling bodies in the front yard to burn.

  “Emma, I would have never thought I’d see the day when you almost knocked yourself out. That was the most epic thing I’ve ever witnessed,” Dom called out.

  I shook my head, still trying to deal with the whole situation.

  Kade reached me and wrapped his arm around my waist as we made our way to the front door.

  As soon as we walked inside, Alaine was standing in the hallway. Her eyes were red and swollen, and her face was pale. She looked like she hadn’t slept in days.

  “Samuel?” I pushed his name out in a whisper.

  She shook her head and sobbed. “He still hasn’t returned, and I haven’t heard a word from him.”

  I turned to Kade and knew Lilith had him, but was hoping there might have been a slight chance she’d heard something. Panic welled in my stomach and up into my chest, squeezing the breath from me.

  “Do you think it’s possible for my dreams to hold a key to finding him?” I asked. “In my nightmare, he was in a forest, but I don’t remember the details. Do you think they could have been premonitions?”

  Alaine’s eyes locked onto mine. “Maybe,” she said, dabbing her eyes with a handkerchief.

  “What about hypnosis?” I asked. “I’ve heard of people being hypnotized, and being able to recall their dreams in vivid detail.”

  Alaine rubbed her fingers on the sides of her temples. She was unhinging, and it was crushing me. “I don’t know. I don’t know anyone near us who can do that.”

  “Hypnosis? Who needs to be hypnotized?” Miss Lily called from down the hall.

  We all looked at her as she wiped her wet hands on her apron.

  “I do,” I replied.

  “Miss Lily, do you know of any hypnotherapists?” Kade asked. “Samuel is missing and we want to see if Emma’s nightmares can give us some clue as to where he is.”

  “As a matter of fact, I do know of one,” she replied.

  “Who?” I asked.

  “Me.” She smiled widely. “My father was a therapist and taught me a little something about hypnosis.”

  Alaine gasped and turned to me. “Are you sure you’re up for it? I know the nightmares have tortured you.”

  “I will do whatever it takes to find him.”

  She wrapped me in a hug. “Let’s go to my office.”

  As we entered the foyer, Courtney and Caleb were standing at the top of the stairwell.

  “Jeremy?” Courtney almost squealed.

  “Yep, I’m back,” he sang with a smile. “Barely,” he added and turned to me with a wink.

  “Why? What happened?” She asked.

  “Where’s Lia?” Caleb questioned.

  Jeremy looked at me and I pushed him in their direction. “Go ahead. Have some safe fun.”

  “Let me know what happens with the hypnotherapy,” he said, pushing his glasses up on his nose.

  “I promise. As soon as I have any information, I’ll let you know.”

  “Deal,” he said with a grin, then headed upstairs.

  “What’s going on?” Caleb asked.

  “Jeremy will explain everything,” I said. “We’ll fill you in as soon as we find out more.”

  “Fine,” he said.

  Alaine, Miss Lily, Kade, and I headed back to Alaine’s office. Inside, she walked us to the back, where there was a small sitting area.

  “So, tell me a little more about your dreams?” Miss Lily asked.

  “They’re more like nightmares, and in them, everyone dies. Samuel was the
first one I dreamt about, and now he is missing. I know he was in a forest, but I have no idea where. Everything around here looks the same. But I thought that if I could go back into the dream, maybe it could give me some clues. Maybe a landmark as to where he is?”

  “What do you think happened to him?” she asked.

  I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Lilith has him. I’m sure of it. She told me he would die tonight.”

  Alaine turned away and let out a cry of pain, her muffled sobs were tearing my heart apart.

  Miss Lily took my hand. “Hey,” she whispered sweetly. “I will need you to focus for this to work.”

  She had me sit in the chair with my feet on the ground, and made sure I was comfortable and relaxed. Then, she took a seat directly in front of me. Kade and Alaine stood in the background, both with concerned looks etched on their faces.

  “Are you ready, Emma?” Miss Lily asked.

  “Yes,” I said, taking in a deep breath trying to relax my body, as she started her process.

  She instructed me to focus on her voice, as she began counting back from five to one in a soft, soothing, low voice.

  I could feel my body relax, and felt the tension fading away. My eyes became heavy, and before I knew it, I was in darkness. But within the dark, I could hear her voice clearly.

  “You are sleeping, Emma, and when you hear the word up, you will wake.”

  I nodded.

  “Emma, you will be taken back to a dream you recently experienced. A dream about Samuel. Do you remember which dream I’m talking about?”

  “Yes,” I whispered, my body felt as if it were floating.

  “I need you to go back to that dream. I need you to focus on finding Samuel.”

  In my mind’s eye, I was transported through the darkness. It was as if I were flying backward through the blank space, until I was standing in a dark forest. The air around me chilled. The moonlight glistened on the leaves as they danced lightly in the wind. The scent of spruce and damp leaves on the ground permeated the air. It was silent and peaceful, until I came to a tiny clearing. The putrid stench of Darkling overwhelmed me and my amulet glowed brightly on my chest.

  I could feel my breath and heartbeat quicken.

  “Emma,” Miss Lily’s voice surrounded me. “Remember this is only a dream. You are safe here. Nothing can hurt you.”