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Wings of Vengeance (Hidden Wings Series Book Five) Page 9
Wings of Vengeance (Hidden Wings Series Book Five) Read online
Page 9
“Yeah, we had to dive through that portal because Darkling were chasing us.”
“They couldn’t come through the portal?”
“No, the portal was only configured for us. No Darkling and no Fallen could enter.”
The elevator dinged, and Kade and Dom stepped out.
“That was fast,” Jeremy said.
“It would’ve been faster if a dude with balloons didn’t jump on,” Dom replied.
“Are you all right?” Kade asked, his eyes carefully observing me.
I nodded. “We’re fine, but I think a shifter was here.” I tried to remain calm and not speak so loud the nurses at the desk could hear.
“Are you sure?” Dom asked.
“It was a nurse, and she was trying to lead Jeremy to a vending machine down one of the halls. As soon as I caught the scent, I ran after them. I was lucky to stop him before he disappeared down another hallway.”
“Dammit. They know we’re here. Which way did it go?” Dom asked.
“Come, I’ll show you,” Jeremy said, leading him down the hall.
Kade stepped toward me, enfolding me in his arms. “I hate when I’m not with you. I can’t protect you when you’re so far away.”
A faint scent suddenly caught my nose again, and this time it was familiar. I gasped, my insides knotted as I pulled away from Kade and looked around us. The hallway and waiting room were empty.
“What’s the matter?” he asked.
“It was Lilith,” I whispered, my heart thumped against the walls of my chest.
“What was Lilith?” His brow furrowed.
“The nurse wasn’t a Darkling shifter. She was Lilith. I caught the scent but it was mixed with something else, so I wasn’t completely sure.”
“But I just caught the scent again. It was Lilith’s scent. I’m sure of it.”
Kade sniffed the air. “I can barely smell it,” he said.
“It’s gone now,” I said. “Do you think it’s possible for her to be a shifter?” The thought completely terrified me.
“She would be the first Nephilim to possess such a gift, and if she does, it would be extremely dangerous for us. She could take the shape of one of your friends, their parents, anyone. It’s not safe here in the city, Emma. Especially for you.” His hand brushed the side of my face.
“I know, but there is no way I’m leaving them here alone. They are easy targets, and she knows it. If I leave, she will use them to get to me. She warned me that day. She said I was vulnerable because of my loved ones. And if anything happened to either one of them, I would never forgive myself. They are in danger because of me.”
His eyes clenched shut. “We’ll find a way. We have to.”
I DECIDED TO STAY WITH Lia at her place since Jeremy would be staying there too. Mr. Ling had invited us, and conveniently so. We needed to stick together, and I needed to know where my best friends were at all times, especially now without the protection of the barrier.
Kade promised he’d be right outside with the others, and I had no doubt they were extra watchful. There were hundreds of Darkling in California alone, maybe even thousands. But I dared not tell Jeremy or Lia. They would never sleep again, if they knew.
While the two of them settled down to watch a movie, I excused myself from the bedroom and went to the bathroom to call Alaine. I had to tell her what happened at the hospital, so she knew what we were up against.
As soon as I shut the door, the phone buzzed in my hand, startling me. I scrambled to hold on as it nearly fell from my fingers and plummeted into the toilet. It was from an unknown number. Alaine must not have had time to add any numbers to the contacts.
It buzzed again, so I hit the answer button and pressed the phone to my ear.
“Hello?” There was no response. “Hello?” I asked again but was greeted with nothing more than heavy static.
I hung up and dialed Alaine’s number.
“Emma? Is everything okay?”
I smiled hearing her voice.
“I’m fine,” I answered. “I’m staying at Lia’s for now. Did you just try to call me?”
“No, I just got off the phone with someone else,” she replied. I noticed a hint of stress in her voice.
“Is something wrong?” I questioned.
“I’m not sure yet. How is Lia’s mother?”
Her answer threw me.
“She’s alright. Lia said she was awake when they went in, and she had a chance to talk to her.”
“I’m happy, it sounds like her mother will pull through then.”
“Yeah, it’s great news,” I exhaled. “I have something to tell you.”
“What?” Her voice showed concern.
I trembled inside with the information I was about to tell her. “Something happened while we were in the hospital. I think Lilith was there. I’m not entirely sure, but she might be a shifter.”
Alaine let out a deep sigh. “You need to come home, Emma. It’s too dangerous in the city.”
“I know. That was Kade’s concern too,” I said.
“The scary thing is we know nothing about her. We don’t know the extent of her gifts, or how powerful she is.”
“Do you think Abigail Reed would know anything about her birth mother?” I asked. “Maybe she has a surviving relative? I’m not sure what those answers could prove, but maybe we can find something that could help. We have nothing to go off of right now, aside from the fact she’s Lucian’s daughter, and has picked up his psychotic tendencies.”
“I will get in touch with Abigail, but it’s highly unlikely. Lucian did a good job of keeping her hidden. Until then, please try and stay away from large crowds. She seems to know every move you make, which makes me even more worried.”
“How’s Samuel? I’ve been worried about him since we left the portal. Kade and I would have been in a lot of danger if he hadn’t come to our rescue. But right before we jumped into the portal, I saw Lilith.”
Alaine’s intake of air could be heard over the line. Something was wrong, making the acid in my stomach churn.
“What's going on?”
“I didn’t want to worry you, but Samuel hasn’t returned since you left. I’m worried about him, and now that you said you saw Lilith, I’m even more afraid for his safety.”
The air froze in my lungs, and a cold, dark blanket of despair wrapped tightly around me, squeezing unsympathetically. My entire being shook with the fear I had tried to suppress, but it had been released and was devouring whatever stability I had left.
My worst nightmares were coming true. Samuel was missing.
I should have gone with my gut and went back to check on him. I had to return home to find him.
“Emma?” Alaine called, snapping my attention back.
“I’m sorry. We’ll be home soon,” I said.
“Okay,” she sobbed. “Please be careful.”
I hung up the phone and pressed my back against the door.
I couldn’t have been in a worse predicament, and it was one I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. I would now have to choose between those I loved, but I had to decide quickly. Samuel would die if I didn’t find him, and he’d endured enough pain to last a million lifetimes.
On the other hand, Jeremy and Lia’s lives were also on the line, knowing they were the next victims in my nightmares.
A knock on the bathroom door startled me, and when I opened it, Kade was standing there. I fell into his arms and cried, explaining what Alaine had told me through sobs.
“Don’t worry, Emma. We’ll find him,” he breathed. “We’ll find him.”
I was wavering on a fine line of weakness and a full breakdown. Lives were in my hands once again. The pressure to make sure they were all safe was weighing heavily on my shoulders, pushing me to the point of breaking.
But I couldn’t break, for that exact reason. Those that I loved were relying on me and my strength to see them through. They had to know I was strong and would fight for their safety.
And that’s what I’d do.
I gathered myself as Kade walked me into Lia’s room. Both she and Jeremy were sitting on the bed, their eyes filled with questions.
I wiped my face dry and looked at them, shaking my head. Would they ever forgive me?
Jeremy gave me a look of confusion. At least it wasn’t disappointment, yet. “We need to know everything, Emma. We have a right since our lives are apparently on the line too.”
I stood in front of them and proceeded to spill. I told them everything. About the nightmares, the mines, the restaurant, Bane, the barrier, and Lilith. I wanted them to know, so they could see the risk and make their own decisions.
Now they knew why Alaine called them to Alaska, and why we weren’t able to leave the house.
They were looking at me like I was mad, and I thought I’d lost my best friends. That was, until Jeremy stood from the bed, walked over to me, and gave me the most awkward hug. He wasn’t much of a hugger, so it meant a lot.
“I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with so much after the loss of your parents. I wish we could have been there for you from the beginning. They say that life tests us, not to show our weaknesses, but to discover our real strength. You are the strongest girl I know, Emma. And are seriously the only one of us who would have survived.”
I turned to Kade. “If I didn’t have the love and support of everyone around me, I wouldn’t have made it this far. Samuel saved my life more times than I can count, and now it’s my turn to repay him.”
Lia stood and joined us. “If anyone can find him, it’s you.” She paused, her eyes went distant. “What if the answers you need are hidden in your nightmares? There has to be a reason you’ve been having them. It can’t just be a coincidence that the same girl in your dreams shows up in real life. And your dad was in your first dream, right? And now he’s taken?”
“Lia, I think that’s the smartest thing you’ve ever said.” Jeremy patted her on the top of her head.
“I know. You aren’t the only brainiac.”
I leaned over and hugged her. “Have you decided if you’re going to stay or come with me?”
Jeremy held my hand. “I’m coming with you, but Lia will stay here with her mom and dad. If we separate, maybe we’ll have a chance of not letting that second nightmare become a reality.”
Lia agreed. “You need to get back to Alaska and find your dad. I’ll be right here with mine.”
“Alex will stay and watch over you and your family,” Kade added. “We thought that if the both of you come with us to the portal, and act like you left with us, then the risk of being taken should drop dramatically. If she thinks we’ve all returned to Alaska, she won’t need to keep eyes here. Besides, she’ll be operating under the assumption Emma would never leave one of you behind.”
“I’m up for that plan,” Lia replied. “Will Alex be with me the entire time?”
“Yes, and he will make sure you get home safely.”
Lia turned to me and grinned. “Then, I’m in.”
I stepped forward and rested my hand on her shoulder. “If anything happens and you need help, you better call,” I said. “I mean it. We can be back here in less than fifteen minutes.”
“Don’t worry. You know if anything goes down, I won’t hesitate to call.”
Jeremy rolled his eyes. “Just make sure you’re in real danger before you do, and we’re not running through portals, trying to rescue you for nothing.” He knew her best, and it made total sense. Lia did tend to overreact, and jumping back and forth through portals for no reason could be detrimental.
“I’ll try. You know me and bumps in the night,” she sighed. “I’ll promise to hold off my total panic until I can confirm the danger. But just so you know, fifteen minutes is a very long time when a dangerous situation presents itself.”
“I know, but Alex will be here. He’s seconds away. He’ll be watching and will alert you if danger is near,” Kade added. “Let’s let Alex do the calling if we need backup.”
“Good idea,” Lia added. She threw her arms around me. “My mom is recovering. Find your dad before it’s too late. He needs you now, more than ever.”
“Thank you.” I hugged her back, my heart aching, knowing I was leaving her. As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t be in two places at once. Samuel needed us…all of us.
“I’ll be waiting for good news, so call me if anything exciting happens,” she smiled.
“Oh, we will,” I replied.
“So what’s our plan?” Lia asked.
I smiled, glad we were all in agreement. “We’ll all jump in the car like we did on the way here, so take your bag because I have a feeling someone will be watching.”
“That is some creepy stalkerish crap. It’s giving me the heebie-jeebies.” She shivered.
“Yeah,” I agreed. “We want them to think we’re all leaving.”
“We have to swing by the hotel and pick up Mark and Thomas. They’re checking out now. Then we’ll have to return the rental car before we leave,” Kade added.
“How will Alex and I get back to my house?” Lia questioned.
“Alex will fly you back,” he answered.
“Are you serious?” Lia’s voice raised a few octaves, and her face lit up like the sun. “Isn’t that against the laws of the immortal world? People will see us.”
“When an angel calls their wings, they become invisible to the human eye, unless you know they exist,” Kade explained. “As long as you remain in his arms, you will also be invisible. The only problem, neither of you will be invisible to other immortals.”
“That’s a risk I’m willing to take,” she shrugged.
Jeremy shook his head, and looked to Lia and back at me. “So when is this whole operation going down?”
“We leave in ten minutes,” Kade answered.
“That doesn’t give me much time to pack my fake bag.” Lia winked at me.
LIA DOUBLE CHECKED THE WINDOWS and doors, locking her dad safely inside. The rest of us headed to the car, making it entirely obvious we were leaving.
On the drive everyone remained alert, watching through the windows.
Jeremy turned in his seat and faced me. “I know you’re worried about how we feel about all of this. And I’m telling you not to worry. It sounds absurd, but I do believe in destiny. You were meant to find Lia and me that day in the cafeteria, so we could be here, right now, to help you through this.”
I sat frozen, my eyes burning from the instant well of tears. “I never knew you felt that way,” I murmured. “I thought you’d both hate me for sure for bringing you into danger.”
Jeremy patted my knee. “You can’t get rid of us that easily, Emma. We’re your best friends, and best friends stick together through everything. We’re like ticks, only we don’t suck blood. That’s just disgusting and very unsanitary.”
Lia turned with a huff, her brow furrowed. “Speak for yourself, mister. I am not a tick.”
“I don’t know about that.” Jeremy shrugged, “You’re pretty small and pesky.”
“Don’t get me started,” Lia said, turning back to face the front.
Jeremy gave me a wink and turned back around too. I didn’t know what I did to deserve such amazing friends, but I was beyond blessed.
I prayed this plan would work, and Lilith would think we were all returning to Alaska. My mind was whirling, wondering if there were clues in my dreams. But as much as I tried to remember, the only thing I could recall from my first dream, was that Samuel was in a dark forest, nailed to a tree.
How could I focus on anything else?
Could there be any way for me to tap into my dreams? I’d heard of people being hypnotized and made it a point to ask Alaine when we returned.
“Do you think we’ll be attacked when we exit the portal?” I asked. It was a legitimate question. We had to be ready for anything.
“I’m not sure,” Kade answered. “They’re testing our strength, just like Lucian did. It seems they
are sending Darkling to attack us, but not enough to do any real damage. I can tell it’s more of a mind game, but we know better. Lilith seems to be leading with a vengeful heart. Her mind is poisoned with lies, which gives us the upper hand. Samuel was alone, making him an easy target. We just need to stay focused and watchful. If we take her out, the others will hopefully disband.” He turned to me with a glimmer in his eye. “I have faith we will find him.”
“Thank you,” I breathed. “Do you think the Fallen will continue to come even if Lilith is killed?”
Dom shook his head. “The Fallen couldn’t give a damn about us. They’re only here because they’ve been given marching orders from Lilith and those who were loyal followers of her father. But, I know for a fact, if given a choice, the Fallen would rather disappear.”
AS WE MADE OUR WAY toward the portal, I got anxious, mostly for Lia. We’d be separating, and I’d be releasing Alex to protect her and her family.
Kade noticed my despondency to the conversations around me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to him. “Have faith,” he whispered lightly in my ear.
I sighed. “I don’t know if I remember what it is.”
“Faith is the light that guides us in the darkness.”
As I gazed deep into his eyes, I saw it. Everything I was lacking, and everything that made me whole. They were filled with promise, hope, faith, love. It was all there. He was my perfect match, and there was nothing in the entire universe that could ever rival him.
We were dropped off outside the building that housed the portal while Dom and Mark returned the vehicle. Our surroundings were quiet, and we all remained silent, listening for anything around us. The street was dead and dark, but there were no scents of evil around.
The same streetlight flickered, sending an eerie chill down my spine, reminding me of one of my nightmares. I couldn’t believe it was only hours ago we passed through here, and now we had to return.
The guardians readied their weapons as Dom and Mark returned. Dom stepped to the front, taking point.
“Everyone stay close,” he urged. “Alex, you know what to do?”